James D. Nguyen, J.D.

James D. Nguyen, J.D.

LGBTQ Scholarship, part of The Osher Initiative for


The Mt. SAC Pride Center is a resource center and lounge space for the LGBTQ community and its allies/advocates. The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize a student involved with the Mt. SAC Pride Center. This scholarship was established by distinguished attorney and Mt. SAC Alumnus James “Jimmy” Nguyen, J.D. Mr. Nguyen has enjoyed a meteoric career since graduating from UCLA at age 19, while attending Mt. SAC concurrently, and from the USC Law Center as the youngest member of his class at age 22. As an alumni, he has returned to Mt. SAC to help coach and prepare Forensics Team members for speech tournaments. In 2010, Mr. Nguyen was bestowed the honor of Mt. SAC Alumnus of the Year.
