Sandra Burke-Weatherilt, Elizabeth Burke, & Susan Burke-Majerus

Sandra Burke-Weatherilt, Elizabeth Burke, & Susan Burke-Majerus

David Burke Memorial Scholarship


The David Burke Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of a man deeply loved by his family who had a passion for swimming and water polo. David Burke dedicated his life to his family through love and hard work. Born and raised on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean, he was a man of the sea, participated in swimming and water polo for most of his young life, and represented his country in the Pan American Games of 1970 in water polo. In 1985 his work for the airline Air Canada moved him to California with his wife Elizabeth and two daughters Susan and Sandra. He believed in the value of education for which both of his daughters pursued advanced degrees. The David Burke Memorial Scholarship is to honor him, a loving husband, father and grandfather and to assist a deserving student in their educational goals.
