Mark Minor Memorial Scholarship, part of the Associated Students Scholarships

In remembrance of the late Mark Minor, a former Mt. SAC Associated Students/Student Life Publications Technician, this scholarship is given, in his honor, to students who have shown exemplary campus leadership and service to the College while overcoming personal hardships. For over 20 years, Mark worked closely with students who were involved with clubs, organizations and the Associated Students government. He loved to interact with ambitious and conscientious students who proved that they could succeed in the classroom while challenged with personal struggles. Mark was passionate about the work he did, and this scholarship recognizes students who are passionate, committed, and dedicated to making a positive difference on campus.

Mt. SAC Associated Students (MMMS)
Supplemental Questions
  1. I have paid the Student Activities Fee for the current semester
  2. I have demonstrated exemplary campus leadership and service at Mt. SAC
  3. Attached is proof I have demonstrated leadership on campus (upload Mt. SAC "Activities Transcript")